Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sister Bolliger - Visalia, CA Week 28: "Miracle of the Mucinex and the Scriptures," Toothbrush Attack, Time to Study Scriptures, Ponder & Pray

This week I have seen the miracles of mucinex and the scriptures. A random mix? Not for a sick Sister Missionary. :)

I woke up last Tuesday morning with a sore throat. Was such a nuisance going to deter me from spreading the gospel AND germs? Of course not. Wednesday my voice began to go. Thursday the temperature started to rise. And then Friday it was no use. I was ill. It was the day of weekly planning so we were in our apartment for quite some time planning for the week, but venturing out in the cold and passing out candy at the trunk-or-treat didn't help my condition much at all. And looking back on it, I probably single handedly could have infected the entire ward.

Oh my.

But...according to the majority of Visalians, I am suffering from allergies. They are "shaking the walnut trees" as people like to say. Apparently this helps the nuts fall? So I'm blaming the sickness on those walnut trees that are being shaken. And I almost made a joke about their bark...but I want to spare the world from my antihistamine-induced stupor. Haha.

Mucinex once again saved the day. It's amazing how that medication works. I slept wonderfully and had way too much sleep. Poor Sister Bayasal was sick too and we would just kind of lay there and wonder what time it was, only so that we would know if we needed to take our medicine again. Many many boxes of tissues later, we're on the recovery. :)

As soon as I was semi-back on my feet, preparation day rolled around. I had been frustrated with the uncleanliness of our apartment so I took a toothbrush to the baseboards. Hahahha. Honestly. I guess I had a lot of energy from all of that sleeping and I kept muttering to myself and proceeded to clean all of the baseboards and tile of our two-bedroom two-bathroom apartment with that toothbrush. Two and a half hours later I was satisfied. And then I had to take a nap from the exertion. I'm not so great at slowly easing back into work. Needless to say we will be needing a new old toothbrush for further cleaning excursions.

With all of the ridiculousness of our health this week, I have had a lot of time to ponder the scriptures and to pray. I have lost my cool a few times this week, I blame it on the impending illness, and have been seeking for an extra outpouring of the Spirit to know what I need to do here in Visalia. I have been here since June and sometimes I get frustrated as it seems like I haven't done a thing since I got here. A series of scriptures has helped me and seemed enlightening as I have been pondering the messages of the gospel.

Romans 1:16 just reaffirmed my purpose as a missionary: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth." John 14:27 answered a similar struggle with the reassuring phrase: "Let not your heart be troubled nor let it be afraid." I guess I should paraphrase. We tracted into a preacher. And I didn't handle it as gracefully as I could have. Not that there was any bible-bashing going on but I got a bit flustered, our phone went off, and he was trying to make some moves...and I had no idea how to respond. I did my usual laughing strategy which was okay, but I was not pleased. After we left I got frustrated with myself questioning how I was representing the Lord because of my weaknesses, and went to the scriptures for the answers. Which is the best thing to do anyway. :)

Regarding frustrations with things not going the way I want them to a few scriptures also shed some light. Doctrine and Covenants 64:32-34 states: "But all things must come to pass in their time. Wherefore be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind..." And then to give some comfort with investigators that chose not to follow the path we were showing them Doctrine and Covenants 45:29 offered this insight: "But they receive it not; for they perceive not the light, and they turn their hearts from me because of the precepts of men." I want to help people see this light! Which means that I need much more of the spirit with me to help me! And last but not least Doctrine and Covenants 42:14 tells me how to receive more of the spirit: "And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith; and if ye receive not the spirit ye shall not teach."

These scriptures in conjunction with the fact that I read half of the Bible Dictionary shows the productivity of my weekend of illness. :)

Sister Bayasal and I are reading the Book of Mormon out loud together several times a day and I am so amazed at how well she is learning to read!!!

Sister Bolliger

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